What To Expect After a Root Canal Procedure?


If you are one of many who are wondering what to expect after a root canal, you're in the right place. This process, commonly undertaken by dental practitioners offering services such as root canals in Toronto, is surrounded by a cloud of mystery and often instils fear in patients. But fear not, this article aims to shed light on the aftermath of a root canal, thus debunking a few myths and preconceived notions.

Understanding the Root Canal Procedure

A root canal session predominantly aims at treating the infection or inflammation at the pulp (the core part) of the tooth. This procedure, although sounding terrifying, is applauded for its high success rate and the alleviation it provides to toothache sufferers.

Post Root Canal Symptoms

Knowing what follows after a root canal procedure is crucial in managing your comfort and knowing when to seek assistance. Some of the typical symptoms include:

1. Mild Discomfort and Sensitivity

You may encounter some mild discomfort or tooth sensitivity for a few days after the treatment. This is primarily due to the natural tissue inflammation, especially if there was a pre-existing infection.

2. Temporary Bite Discomfort

It's not uncommon to experience some discomfort or an odd feeling when biting down. As long as it doesn't persist or escalate, this is a typical symptom following a root canal procedure.

Aftercare for A Root Canal

1. Medication

Your dentist may recommend an antibiotic, especially if there was an infection before the procedure. Over-the-counter pain medication like ibuprofen can help manage any discomfort experienced.

2. Oral Hygiene

Ensuring good oral hygiene is crucial post-procedure. Regular brushing and flossing can assist in speeding up the recovery process.

3. Avoidance

Until your root canal procedure is entirely complete and the permanent filling or crown is in place, try to minimize chewing on the tooth under repair. This endeavor will help limit contamination of the interior of the tooth and also prevent a fragile tooth from cracking.

Consult Your Dentist

If severe pain or pressure persists for more than a few days, it's advisable to reach out to your dentist in Toronto.


A root canal is a highly effective procedure to save your natural tooth, eliminate the agony of toothache, and prevent the spread of infection to adjacent teeth. While some discomfort post-procedure is normal, maintaining good oral hygiene and adhering to your dentist's advice can speed up recovery. So, don’t let the fear of post-procedure symptoms deter you from getting a root canal done when needed.


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